Monday, July 09, 2007


Pearled barley has always been used by Oriental folk physicians for the healing and the rejuvenation of the digestive system. A simple, yet effective folk remedy was to make barley brew that could be sipped throughout the day while other foods were restricted or limited. This folk remedy has helped many people, even to this day.

To prepare this brew, one-quarter cup of all natural pearled barley should be boiled in two liters of water. It should be strained when half the water has evaporated. Drinking of this all-natural barley brew will relax the stomach. It helps digestive rejuvenation and benefits the digestive system in two ways. It soothes the burning digestive actions and introduces a natural oily substance, which helps protect the eroded mucous membrane of the digestive system. These benefits also help prevent the aging process of the digestive system. Once the digestive system is thus soothed and healed, it can promote better assimilation of foods and thereby prolong life.

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