Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sasame Seeds

Sesame seeds are an expectorant food. Their fuse have been found beneficial in the treatment of respiratory systems disorder, especially acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds can be made by steeping 15g of seeds in 250 ml of water. This infusion mixed with a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt and a dessertspoon of honey, makes an excellent medicine for treating these diseases. This will help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.


Tamarind-pepper, ever heard of 'rasam' in south Indian dishes ? It is considered a food of exceptional value in cleaning mucus. It is used as an effective home remedy for cold in south India. It is prepared by boiling for a few minutes , very dilute tamarind water in a teaspoon of hot ghee and half a teaspoon of block pepper powder. This steaming hot 'rasam' has a flushing effect. As one takes it, the nose starts running and eyes begin to water. This enables the nasal passage to become clear.


Reminds you of the cartoon character Popeye ? This popular green leafy vegetable possesses mucus clearing property and helps control respiratory diseases. An infusion of fresh leaves of spinach prepared with two infusion of fresh leaves of spinach prepared with two teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, mixed with a pinch of ammonium chloride and honey, it is effective expectorant tonic. It can be given with beneficial results in the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis of the lungs, asthma and dry cough of congestion in the throat. It soothes the bronchioles, liquefies the tenacious sputum and forms healthy tissues in the lungs and increases resistance against respiratory infections. It should be taken in doses of 30ml. three times daily.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Cherry, sweet or sour, is an anti-inflammatory food. It is especially valuable in gout, which is characterized by certain form of inflammation of the joins and swellings of a recurrent type. This was discovered by Logwig W. Blan, Ph.D., some 50 years back. Himself a gour sufferer, he found the use of cherries to be miraculously effective in his own case and published his own experience in a medical journal. Subsequently may people with gout used this simple therapy with great success. To start with, the patient should consume about 15 to 25 cherries a day. Thereafter, about 10 cherries a day will keep the ailment under control. While fresh cherries are the best, canned cherries can also be used with success.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Mango Leaves

The tender leaves of the mango tree are an anti-diabetic food. An infusion is prepared from fresh leaves by soaking them overnight and squeezing them well in water in the morning. This filtrate should be taken every morning to control early diabetes. In the alternative, the leaves should be dried in the shade, powdered and preserved for use when necessary. Half a teaspoon of this powder should be taken mixed in water or buttermilk twice a day.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jambul Fruit

The jambul fruit, also known as rose apple or java plum, is a well known common fruit, grown all over India. It has been highly appreciated since times immemorial for its unique taste, flavor and colour. This fruit, the seeds and fruit juice can all be beneficially used in the treatment of this disease. The 'Jamboline' contained in the seeds is believed to have power to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in cases of increased production of glucose. The seeds are dried and powered. This powder, mixed with water, should be taken three or four times daily. It reduces the quantity of sugar in urine and allays the unquenchable thirst.

In Ayurveda, the inner bark of the jambul tree is also considered valuable in the treatment of diabetes. The bark is dried and burnt. This produces an ash of white color. This ash should be pestle in the mortar, stained and bottled. The diabetes patient should be given 66 centigrams of this ash on an empty stomach with water in the morning and 1.33 grams each time in the afternoon and the evening, an hour after meals, if the specific gravity of the urine is 1.02 to 1.03. If the specific gravity ranges between 1.035 to 1.055, the ash should be given thrice daily in the quantity of two grams at a time.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Ispaghula also known as spogel seeds, is an almost stemless small herb covered with dense or soft hairy growth. The medicinal properties of the seeds arise chiefly from the large amount of mucilage and albuminous matter present in them. This herb is an anti-diabetic food and its use has been found beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. It helps control blood sugar in diabetics by inhibiting the excessive absorption of sugars from the intestines.

Ispaghula can be taken in the form of seeds or in the from of husk, which is dry seed-coat of the plant, obtained by crushing the seeds and separating the husk by winnowing. The husk has the same properties as the seeds. It has an added advantage that there is no risk of mechanical obstruction or irritation in alimentary canal by the husk. The husk, therefore is taken without any presoaking and is easier to use than the whole seed.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Indian GooseBerry

Indian gooseberry is a wonderful fruit and one of the precious gifts of nature to man. It is probable the richest known natural source of antioxidant vitamin C, which is readily assimilated by the human system. It thus contributes greatly towards good health.
Indian gooseberry is an ideal food medicine for diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice , mixed with a cup of fresh bitter ground juice, taken daily for two months, will stimulate the Islets of Langerhans and enable them to secrete natural insulin. It thus reduces the blood sugar in diabetes. Diet restrictions should be strictly observed while taking these medicine. It will also prevent eye complications in diabetes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Grape Fruit

A common fruit available readily which most of you love. The small size of this fruit makes it easy to just grab a few and start munching. But have you ever ate it as a medicine ? Most of you must be unaware of the wonders of this fruit. This fruit has a high place among the citrus fruits just because of its flavor. This fruit is also a good appetizer and also as a good refreshment. This must not be new to you , there is nothing like a glass of grape juice on a hot day, it really does wonders.

But the grape fruit actually specializes in diabetes, it does a great job in maintaining the insulin levels your body. A study has proved that a diabetic person can control his insulin levels easily by just eating grapes 3 times a day. It would also do great help if the person has a tendency towards diabetics. Just 3 times a day grape along with other fruits and vegetable will stabilize your insulin levels. Is there an easier way than this ?