Saturday, June 23, 2007


Ispaghula also known as spogel seeds, is an almost stemless small herb covered with dense or soft hairy growth. The medicinal properties of the seeds arise chiefly from the large amount of mucilage and albuminous matter present in them. This herb is an anti-diabetic food and its use has been found beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. It helps control blood sugar in diabetics by inhibiting the excessive absorption of sugars from the intestines.

Ispaghula can be taken in the form of seeds or in the from of husk, which is dry seed-coat of the plant, obtained by crushing the seeds and separating the husk by winnowing. The husk has the same properties as the seeds. It has an added advantage that there is no risk of mechanical obstruction or irritation in alimentary canal by the husk. The husk, therefore is taken without any presoaking and is easier to use than the whole seed.

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