Monday, August 13, 2007


Finally, after all those interesting news updates lets get back to where we left. Now about garlic, its anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer properties are partly due to its ability to enhance immune functioning. It particularly stimulates the power of T-lymphocytes and macro-phages, which play a dominant role in immune functions. A lob test by Benjamin H.S. Lau has found that garlic extracts impeled macrophages to generate more agents to kill microbes and tumor cells. Garlic is also called as a biological response modifier.

The blood of a garlic eater has more natural killer cells, these natural killer cells of regular garlic eaters destroyed 140%-160% more cells than non-garlic eaters.

Just 1.8 grams (about a half a clove) of garlic is all that you need to increase the natural killer cells activity.

Comming up next is about Mushrooms.

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