Saturday, August 11, 2007

Curd Or Yogurt

Curd or Yogurt is an extremely valuable immunity stimulating food. It has been regarded as an age-old fighter of disease and a powerful protector against viruses, infections of disease and tumor cells. Eating curd stimulates at least two vital components of immunity, namely nature killer cells and gamma interferon. These nature killer cells circulating in the body detect tumor cells, then seek out and destroy. Nature killer cells are one of the best defenses against tumor and viruses. Even when yogurt is heated 95% of the bacterial cultures still activate nature killer cells.

A study has confirmed that those eating 450gm of yogurt a day for four months had five times more infection-fighting gamma interferon in their blood than those not eating yogurt. Only yogurt with live active cultures of lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus (standard yogurt worldwide) stimulated interferon.

Starting to eat yogurt three months before cold or pollen season could build up your immune system, considerably reducing your susceptibility to aggravations.

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