Monday, May 08, 2006


The coconut is known as a wonder food. It is a new perfect diet, as it contains almost all the essential nutrients needed by the human body. The water of the tender green coconut, generally known as mnieral water, is a antibacterial food. thus water is especially valuable in chilera infection. About 250-375 ml. of this water, mixed with a teaspoon if fresh limehjuice, should be given orally to the patient. it rectifies the elecrolyte balance and neutralises the acidosis of the blood. Gree coconut water is a known source of potassium rich fluids and since cholera patientnts can almost invariably take oral fluids following initial correction of shock and acidosis, intake of coconut water has been found highly beneficial for them. Coconut is also an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A tablespoon of the freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed with 250 to 375 ml of lukewam milk after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.

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